Blow Fly


Actual Size: 1/2″

Characteristics: Metallic blue, green, or bronze.


  • Feed and breed in decaying animal matter in dumpsters or dead carcasses.
  • Can harbor bacteria that cause many illnesses.

Blow Fly Identification

Blow flies are the name given to a number of fly species in the family Calliphoridae that feed off of decaying organic matter. Their coloration can range from green and blue to black and bronze, though their bodies are commonly shiny and metallic in appearance. Size can range from 6 to 14 millimeters.

Blow Fly Habits

Blow flies can be found worldwide, though they prefer temperate to tropical areas. Interestingly enough, some flowers have evolved a strong odor with a scent similar to decaying meat in order to attract these flies and aid in pollination. Despite their pest status, these flies occupy a scientifically significant niche. Their eggs and maggots’ presence in a dead body can help to indicate time of death, and sterile maggots have proven helpful in eliminating infected tissue in some cases.

Blow Fly Diet

Because of their diet, the presence of blow flies indicates a larger problem. In most cases, this can be easily controlled by not allowing organic matter to decay within the house. Garbage that contains food should be secured, dishes should be cleaned quickly, and trash should be removed from the premises as soon as possible. In some cases, the flies are attracted by animals that have died in hard to reach locations. When this occurs, the source should be found and controlled quickly. Controlling the adult flies can be done through a number of methods including sprays, flypaper, or even fly swatters.