Wasps are a fact of life in the summertime here in Albuquerque. Many types of wasps become more and more active in the summer into early fall, making it likely you might spot a nest or two. Wasp nests can contain anywhere from a few hundred to thousands of insects, making it important to never approach them on your own. However, it is wise to learn how to identify the different types of wasp nests you may come across. The team at Pest Defense Solutions is here with tips to help identify wasp nests in your area–keep reading to learn more!
Where Do Wasps Construct Their Nests?
Wasps are known to build their nests in or near trees, but they can be found in other spots too. Yellowjackets favor areas near the ground, in hollow trees, under porches, and a number of other areas. Mud daubers tend to build their nests in sheltered areas, including under eaves, garages, attics, or on the sides of buildings. Paper wasp nests are often located under and within the eaves of structures, in attics and wall voids, and in other enclosed areas. Bald-faced hornets, on the other hand, like to build nests high up off the ground. This can mean in trees, but also on structures.
How to Identify Wasp Nests in Albuquerque
In New Mexico, we commonly see activity from paper wasps, yellowjackets, mud daubers, and bald-faced hornets. Here’s what their nests look like:
- Paper wasps. These nests famously look like upside-down umbrellas. Paper wasp nests are often open, and can get quite large in size. They are typically supported by a single stalk and consist of a paper-like material.
- Yellowjackets. These nests are most recognized. They are a papery material and have a single opening. The inside of a yellowjacket nest can have nearly a hundred tiers of cells. Yellowjackets can also build underground nests that can be enormous in size.
- Mud daubers. As their name suggests, female mud daubers construct their nests out of mostly mud. The nests are small and tubular in size, often looking like organ pipes. They are typically found in cracks or crevices. Mud daubers are mostly solitary.
- Bald-faced hornets. These nests are almost always at least three feet off the ground. They are made of chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva. They often grow to be the size of a football or basketball.
Getting Rid of Wasp Nests
No one wants to deal with a swarm of stinging insects anywhere near their property. It’s important to remember that DIY efforts to remove nests are never a good idea–there could be more wasps inside than you realize, which can be very dangerous. Certain types of wasps are capable of stinging multiple times. Because of the danger associated with wasp nests, always contact the wasp removal team at Pest Defense Solutions for any problems you’re having.